
Hurricane (euskaraz urakana) Bob Dylanek   1975an  Desire  diskoaren barnean kaleratu zuen abestia da. Rubin  "Hurricane" Cart boxealariaren  espetxeratzearen inguruko gaia du, honen ezizenak abestiari izenburua ematen diolarik.

Carterrek 20 urte eman zituen espetxean, burutu ez zituen hiru heriotzengatik. Protesta abesti honekin lortutako dirua eta ospeari esker epaiketa berri bat lortu zuten.

Pistol Shots Ring Out In The Barroom Night
Enter Patty Valentine From The Upper Hall.
She Sees The Bartender In A Pool Of Blood,
Cries Out, "my God, They Killed Them All!"
Here Comes The Story Of The Hurricane,
The Man The Authorities Came To Blame
For Somethin That He Never Done.
Put In A Prison Cell, But One Time He Could-a Been
The Champion Of The World.

Three Bodies Lyin There Does Patty See
And Another Man Named Bello, Movin Around Mysteriously.
"i Didnt Do It," He Says, And He Throws Up His Hands
"i Was Only Robbin The Register, I Hope You Understand.
I Saw Them Leavin," He Says, And He Stops
"one Of Us Had Better Call Up The Cops."

And So Patty Calls The Cops
And They Arrive On The Scene With Their Red Lights
Flashin In The Hot New Jersey Night.
Meanwhile, Far Away In Another Part Of Town
Rubin Carter And A Couple Of Friends Are Drivin Around.

Number One Contender For The Middleweight Crown
Had No Idea What Kinda Shit Was About To Go Down
When A Cop Pulled Him Over To The Side Of The Road
Just Like The Time Before And The Time Before That.
In Paterson Thats Just The Way Things Go.

If Youre Black You Might As Well Not Show Up On The Street
Less You Wanna Draw The Heat.

Alfred Bello Had A Partner
And He Had A Rap For The Cops.
Him And Arthur Dexter Bradley Were Just
Out Prowlin Around
He Said, "i Saw Two Men Runnin Out,
They Looked Like Middleweights
They Jumped Into A White Car With Out-of-state Plates."
And Miss Patty Valentine Just Nodded Her Head.
Cop Said, "wait A Minute,
Boys, This Ones Not Dead"
So They Took Him To The Infirmary
And Though This Man Could Hardly See
They Told Him That He Could Identify The Guilty Men.

Four In The Mornin And They Haul Rubin In,
Take Him To The Hospital And They Bring Him Upstairs.
The Wounded Man Looks Up Through His One Dyin Eye
Says, "whad You Bring Him In Here For? He Aint The Guy!"
Yes, Heres The Story Of The Hurricane,
The Man The Authorities Came To Blame
For Somethin That He Never Done.
Put In A Prison Cell, But One Time He Could-a Been
The Champion Of The World.

Four Months Later, The Ghettos Are In Flame,
Rubins In South America, Fightin For His Name
While Arthur Dexter Bradleys Still In The Robbery Game
And The Cops Are Puttin The Screws To Him,
Lookin For Somebody To Blame.
"remember That Murder That Happened In A Bar?"

"remember You Said You Saw The Getaway Car?"
"you Think Youd Like To Play Ball With The Law?"
"think It Might-a Been That Fighter That You Saw Runnin That Night?"
"dont Forget That You Are White."

Arthur Dexter Bradley Said, "im Really Not Sure."
Cops Said,
"a Poor Boy Like You Could Use A Break
We Got You For The Motel Job
And Were Talkin To Your Friend Bello
Now You Dont Wanta Have To Go Back To Jail, Be A Nice Fellow.
Youll Be Doin Society A Favor.
That Sonofabitch Is Brave And Gettin Braver.
We Want To Put His Ass In Stir
We Want To Pin This Triple Murder On Him
He Aint No Gentleman Jim."

Rubin Could Take A Man Out With Just One Punch
But He Never Did Like To Talk About It All That Much.
Its My Work, Hed Say, And I Do It For Pay
And When Its Over Id Just As Soon Go On My Way
Up To Some Paradise
Where The Trout Streams Flow And The Air Is Nice
And Ride A Horse Along A Trail.
But Then They Took Him To The Jailhouse
Where They Try To Turn A Man Into A Mouse.

All Of Rubins Cards Were Marked In Advance
The Trial Was A Pig-circus, He Never Had A Chance.
The Judge Made Rubins Witnesses
Drunkards From The Slums
To The White Folks Who Watched He Was A Revolutionary Bum
And To The Black Folks He Was Just A Crazy Nigger.
No One Doubted That He Pulled The Trigger.
And Though They Could Not Produce The Gun,
The D.a. Said He Was The One Who Did The Deed
And The All-white Jury Agreed.

Rubin Carter Was Falsely Tried.
The Crime Was Murder "one," Guess Who Testified?
Bello And Bradley And They Both Baldly Lied
And The Newspapers, They All Went Along For The Ride.
How Can The Life Of Such A Man
Be In The Palm Of Some Fools Hand?
To See Him Obviously Framed
Couldnt Help But Make Me Feel Ashamed To Live In A Land
Where Justice Is A Game.

Now All The Criminals In Their Coats And Their Ties
Are Free To Drink Martinis And Watch The Sun Rise
While Rubin Sits
Like Buddha In A Ten-foot Cell

An Innocent Man In A Living Hell.
Thats The Story Of The Hurricane,
But It Wont Be Over Till They Clear His Name
And Give Him Back The Time Hes Done.
Put In A Prison Cell, But One Time He Could-a Been

The Champion Of The World.


Estilo askotako musika egin du: folka, countrya, bluesa, rocka, jazza…

Dylanek gehien bat erabiltzen dituen musika-tresnak kitarra, teklatua eta harmonika dira. 

1966.urtean Literaturaren Nobel Sarirako izendatua izan zen.

2012.an “Presidentearen Askatasun Domina” jaso zuen.

Hona hemen 2010ean Gasteizen ospatu zen “Azkena Rock Festival”ean.



1965ean Sara Lowndsekin ezkondu zen. Urte horretan “Highway 61 Revisited” albuma atera zuen, disko horretan “Like a Rolling Stone”, Dylaren abestirik famatuenetariko bat zetorren.

Baina handik gutxira moto istripu larri bat izan zuen, horrek etxean denboraldi luze batez geratzera behartu zion.

1970ean Georges Harrisonek (The Beatles) antolatuta  “Concert for Bangladesh” izeneko kontzertu solidarioa eman zuen beste abeslari famatu batzuekin batera Bangla Desheko errefuxiatuentzat dirua biltzeko.

Mr. Tambourine Man

                                             Hey! mr. tambourine man, play a song for me,

i'm not sleepy and there is no place i'm going to.

hey! mr. tambourine man, play a song for me,
in the jingle jangle morning i'll come followin' you.
Though i know that evenin's empire has returned into sand,
vanished from my hand,
left me blindly here to stand but still not sleeping.
my weariness amazes me, i'm branded on my feet,
i have no one to meet
and the ancient empty street's too dead for dreaming.
Hey! mr. tambourine man, play a song for me,
i'm not sleepy and there is no place i'm going to.
hey! mr. tambourine man, play a song for me,
in the jingle jangle morning i'll come followin' you.
Take me on a trip upon your magic swirlin' ship,
my senses have been stripped, my hands can't feel to grip,
my toes too numb to step, wait only for my boot heels
to be wanderin'.
i'm ready to go anywhere, i'm ready for to fade
into my own parade, cast your dancing spell my way,
i promise to go under it.
Hey! mr. tambourine man, play a song for me,
i'm not sleepy and there is no place i'm going to.
hey! mr. tambourine man, play a song for me,
in the jingle jangle morning i'll come followin' you.
Though you might hear laughin', spinnin', swingin' madly across the sun,
it's not aimed at anyone, it's just escapin' on the run
and but for the sky there are no fences facin'.
and if you hear vague traces of skippin' reels of rhyme
to your tambourine in time, it's just a ragged clown behind,
i wouldn't pay it any mind, it's just a shadow you're
seein' that he's chasing.
Hey! mr. tambourine man, play a song for me,
i'm not sleepy and there is no place i'm going to.
hey! mr. tambourine man, play a song for me,
in the jingle jangle morning i'll come followin' you.
Then take me disappearin' through the smoke rings of my mind,
down the foggy ruins of time, far past the frozen leaves,
the haunted, frightened trees, out to the windy beach,
far from the twisted reach of crazy sorrow.
yes, to dance beneath the diamond sky with one hand waving free,
silhouetted by the sea, circled by the circus sands,
with all memory and fate driven deep beneath the waves,
let me forget about today until tomorrow.
Hey! mr. tambourine man, play a song for me,
i'm not sleepy and there is no place i'm going to.
hey! mr. tambourine man, play a song for me,
in the jingle jangle morning i'll come followin' you.



Bob Dylan (jaiotzez Robert Allen Zimmerman) Duluthen, Minnesotan, jaio zen 1941eko maiatzaren 24ean.

Eszenatokiaren gainean. 5 hamarkadaz aritu bada ere bere lanik ospetsuena 1960ko hamarkadakoa da.

Bere kanta batzuk "Blowin' in the Wind" edo "The Times They Area-Changin'" gerraren kontrako ereserkiak bilakatu dira. “Protesta kanta” horiek 60. hamarkadako sinboloak bihurtu dira. 

Garai horretan Dylan eta bere bikotea zen Joan Baez ,“protesta kanta”   mugimenduen buruetakoak  ziren. 


Zenbat gizaldi behar du gizonak,
Gizalegez dadin gizon?
Zenbat gau-mendi behar du ibili,
Esango badu egun on?
Zenbat danba jo behar du ezkilak,
Degiogun jaramon?
Haizean dabil erantzun oro
Haizean erantzun oro.
Zenbat itzuli emanen du bonbak,
Hondarrean dadin hondar?
Zenbat belaunek dio iritziko
Armen etsaiari koldar?
Zenbat galbide behar dun iragan,
Uso zuri hego-baldar?
Haizean dabil erantzun oro
Haizean erantzun oro.
Zenbat herio behar da, hilkintza
Sobera-etsi dezagun?
Zenbat garrasi, intziri, hasperen,
Gorrek dezaten entzun?
Zenbat atetan eginen alferrik
Bihotz-taupek oihartzun?
Haizean dabil erantzun oro
Haizean erantzun oro.



Liburutegian Bob Dylan-aren inguruko erakusketa bat izango dugu abenduaren 2ra arte.
MUSIKA gaia lantzen jarraitzeko Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako musikari, abeslari eta olerkari honen  abestiez goxatuko dugu.
Eta hasiera emateko: Blowin' In The Wind.

How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls fly
Before they're forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, 'n' how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, 'n' how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.
How many years can a mountain exist
Before it's washed to the sea?
Yes, 'n' how many years can some people exist
Before they're allowed to be free?
Yes, 'n' how many times can a man turn his head,
Pretending he just doesn't see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,
The answer is blowin' in the wind.



Hizkuntza irakaslea, Soledad, kokoteraino dago beren ikasleek adierazten duten jarrerarekin; akatsez beteriko lanak, bidalitako liburuak irakurri gabe, alferkeriak,...

Azkenez, etsita, bere erabakia jakinarazten die: egunaren amaieran ikasle bat hilko du.

Ekintza hori eragozteko bere bila atera behar dira, irakaslearen izkutalekua topatzeko, froga batzuk gainditu beharko dituztelarik.

Jordi Sierra i Fabra, Bartzelonan jaiotako idazleak haur eta gazteentzako liburu ugari idatzi du. Bilduma honetan beste titulu daude:

  • El asesinato del profesor de Matemáticas.
  • El asesinato de la profesora de Ciencias.
  • El asesinato del profesor de Música.



EITB-ren  ondorengo orrialdean aukera paregabeak topatuko dituzue: marrazki bizidunen telesailik arrakastatsuenak, eskulanak, on line jokoak,.... eta guztiak euskaraz, noski!



Zonbi garun-irensle mordo batek Zack Clarke-ren etxeko pijama-festa inbaditu zuenean, benetako garrasi-festa hasi zen. Hilotz ibiltariek kale guztiak hartu zituzten, eta giroa kexu hilgarriz eta haragi ustelaren kiratsaz bete zuten. 

Mundua salbatzeko eginkizuna dute. Zonbi-ehiztariak bizirik ateratzeko gauza izango al dira?

Desclée Argitaletxeko bilduma berria erosi dugu liburutegian. Momentuz bi titulu ditugu:

  • Zonbi erasoa
  • Kontuz, zonbiak aurrean.